torsdag den 18. august 2011

YA-HA!!! The demon can cry if he wants, I wouldn't feel sorry

The weekly udate: First week

I was so nervous before my first ’weight in’. Friday: I didn’t eat breakfast… uups, and Tuesday’s dinner was two slices of bread with cheese… another uups… I didn’t eat all the vegetables Wednesday and lost my breakfast today (Thursday). Uups, uups, upps, uups and so on.

It started kind of bad but got better when I got into things. It got even better when the nice lady told me had I have lost 2 kilos in one week…. ^____________^  big smile!

I don't even have something for sodas right now. If I want something alike I drink Club Waer (dansk vand) or eat an orange to taste something sweet. 

I have started to train again in my local fitness center and it is wonderful. It is good to see all those smiley faces again. I train at least one hours a day (except Sunday), but some days I have 2-3 hours of workout. And believe me my body hates me XD! But I love it ^_^

So the first week was okay and I how this week fun fact:

I have eaten at least 3 kilos of fruits. Halleluja <3 

So current weight is now: 86,2 kilos =D
To be continued <3 See you guys :3 

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