torsdag den 11. august 2011

Let the battle begin.

Some people have ones looked themselves in the mirror thinking: ” Maybe I should lose some kilos?”  For me has it been a constant thought and here the last couple of years hasn’t there been a day were that thought hadn’t crossed my mind.

I have always been “the big girl in the class” but that was first of all due to my height. However, my advanced over the kilos is pretty much lost now. I haven’t tried many diets, but went to fitness and trained at least one hour a day for a good period and I loved it. I lost my rhythm when I went to Athena in Martz and the exams began. Afterwards I went to my parents’ house for a big part of my summer (work) holiday but my running could be measured to a clear minimum.     

Therefore have I now searched for guidance and help from The Danish Weight Control Services (De danske vægtkonsulenter). I don’t have problems with the way I look now I just want to catch it and stop possible upcoming kilos before it gets out of control and I probably would end up being more overweight than I already am.

The main reason why I have went to the The Danish Weight Control Services is because I need someone I don’t know to help by telling me what is good and what is wrong. Not that I can’t take a friend serious but I would like to when I am at the meetings, soli focusing on what is prober to eat and how to change my ways for the better. 
My current weight is: 88,2 Kg (according to a funny weight machine)

My height is: 172 cm (without shoes)

My age is 22 (according to my birth certificate), but the funny machine told me that my body age is 37 years old.

My goal is to lose 20 Kg. I don’t have a date for when I want to reach my goal because what I don’t lose in kilos can be lost in centimeter.

My ‘weigh ins’ are on Thursdays so that would be natural to have updates there.

I will also start measuring my body however I so tired now so I will do it in the morning. They also say that you should do it in the mornings.

I have realized that this is a very personal progress that I’m about to go through but I want to share it with the ones dear to me who is probably the ones reading my blogs.  

I have therefore just open my last Faxe Kondi (soda), in honour of this new beginning that will start from tomorrow and I will drink one again when I have reached my goal. 

1 kommentar:

  1. I am with you all the way, my dear! And god, I miss you SO much!
    I know the feeling of wanting to lose weight, it was a very constant thought to me at some point because being and feeling overweight made me lose confidence in myself. However, though I still think about weight quite a lot, I am feeling better about myself and the way I look. That's what training does to you, huh?
    You are beautiful, love! <3 Thought you should know <3
